indie & private canon divergent goro akechi
bitten by felix


A detective’s job is to solve mysteries.


ONE do not interact if you're a freak / ship incest/pedephilia/abusive ships or sexualise minors. this includes aging minors up for smut/to ship with adults.
TWO i’m pro callout within reason. if someone needs to be called out, then this is the best course of action. i try to avoid drama wherever possible, though.
THREE goro is a minor for a lot of p5. even when he isn’t, he’s a high school student. there will be no sexual content here. other nsfw topics, such as gore and violence, will be. goro’s backstory contains child abuse, suicide, mental illness, child experimentation and murder.
FOUR this blog will contain religious & surreal imagery. everything will be tagged. i ask that mommy/daddy kinks and abo are tagged, even as a joke. i’ll tag anything needed.
transphobia/homophobia is not welcome here, especially considering my goro is trans and gay.
FIVE in terms of shipping, i am multiship. all ships are in seperate universes, unless plotted otherwise. ships require chemistry and communication. goro is gay. i won't ship romantically with female muses. i’m ship exclusive with histopia’s p5 protag.
CREDIT: carrd art , icon art , header art
with all that said, hi ! i’m felix/miriam, i’m a nb gay trans guy from the uk. i use exclusively it/its pronouns. i love to make friends ! mutuals are free to ask for my discord.

Solving love isn’t any of our business.

I want bite down on your arm, your chest. It’s like I’m not even myself.


NAME: goro akechi.
AGE: 17 - 19 ( verse dependent )
BIRTHDAY: june 2nd , 1998 ( gemini )
GENDER: trans man
HEIGHT / WEIGHT: 178 cm / 64 kg
ARCANA: justice , the fool
PERSONA(S): robin hood , loki , hereward
ETHNICITY : japanese
HEALTH: ( physical ) hypermobility, chronic pain ( mental ) complex post traumatic stress disorder, borderline personality disorder, schizoaffective disorder
MORAL ALIGNMENT: chaotic neutral
HAND DOMINANCE: left handed
ENNEAGRAM: type 8 : the challenger



HERE’S A SAD AND ROTTON STORY: a child is born, and a woman’s life is ruined. goro akechi grows up with the acute knowledge that his life ruined his mother’s. she’s not a bad mother. she’s a very good one. he’s not even a demanding child. he does what he’s told, because he loves her. they run out of money a lot. goro goes hungry a lot. so does his mother. they huddle together when the power runs out. one day, goro promises her, he’ll grow up to be a hero, and then he’ll protect her. she works three jobs, and brings men back from the bar down the road when the money gets thin. it’s rough and awful and it is the happiest goro will ever be in his life. he’s just six years old when he comes in to the smell of blood in the air, and a red bathtub, and his mother dead. ( he will never get the chance to protect her. ) this was already a doomed story. this is simply where it becomes obvious.
HERE’S WHAT HAPPENS NEXT: seven years of being passed from institution to institution. seven years of going from one school to another, in torn up and dirty clothes, followed by hungry hands of children and adults alike. disgusting. there’s one thing he has, at all times: a dusty and dirty photography of a man with an empty smile, and his mother with a grin that screams fear. rage keeps him going. rage keeps goro alive. he sees the man he knows must be his father on the tv screen one day, and decides he’ll do anything in his power to tear him to pieces. he’s thirteen when she comes to his institution, and smiles, asks him if he wants to help her out. anything, he thinks, to get out of here.
IT’S ALMOST FUN; doing doing the things wakaba ishiiki wants of him. she doesn’t question his choice in name. doesn’t question the fact that he’s so angry. he gets the results she wants, and she tells him about the metaverse. it hurts, though, it hurts, it hurts ; she pumps thoughts and feelings into him until his persona, loki bursts forth, howling and covered in blood, viscera, his own self. she’s not cruel. she’s not hurting him. he’s hurting himself. he wants to be angry. he wants to be violent. he wants never to be vulnerable again. and he is : loki is a wild thing, snarling and full of misdirection and teeth. marvellous… wakaba says. ( she will not be saying this when loki tears her to pieces in two years time. ) it’s through wakaba that he manages to climb his way up to his father : masayoshi shido. he’s her test subject. he takes proof of the cognitive world to shido, and offers himself as a hitman. wakaba has theoretically mentioned to him that his powers could be used to harm. her employers, she says, are looking into it as a new way to have soldiers. you could be the first, she says. goro smiles hungrily. she’s a dead woman walking.
IN THE SPACES BETWEEN EXPERIMENTS ; it comes to him. it’s an angel : a holy thing, all cast down, touched with earth and knowledge and foolishness. it covers his hands with its own, and kisses his forehead with the knowledge of how to kill in this place where everything is spoken and unspoken. he sees it out of the corner of his eye. after the angel leaves, goro’s eyes are as red as freshly spilled blood. the researchers can’t understand why. goro does not think about the angel anymore.
TWO YEARS LATER; goro akechi is a murderer. he has blood on his hands, his scarred up and twisted hands. god speaks to him in his dreams, sings to him in tongues, howls in his ears and bites at his heels. you can remake everything, it says. goro doesn’t want to remake anything. he wants shido to rot. and then he wants to be nothing. the ends justify the means, but he has no intention of not paying for his crimes. but - a world where no more children were hurt by adults ever again - he could make that before he goes. he sings on screen these days, honeyed lies of crimes he solved ( that he made ), purring words everyone wants to hear. he’s so pretty. he’s so loveable. he’s so worshipable. its so funny, he thinks they’re grovelling at the feet of a corpse in a morgue, maggots eating its body and crows picking at carrion. it’s hilarious. its awful. god has a fucking terrible sense of humour.
HERE’S WHERE IT STARTS: another interview, another false smile. a new topic: phantom thieves. undoubtedly some kids with lofty ideals and their heads in the clouds have made their way into the metaverse. they’re going to be stupid. goro’s going to play them like fools. everything changes soon. like a freight train to his chest. like a fucking bullet to his heart. nothing stays the same. nothing ever will. ever.

I see, so I’m no longer human. I’m not human. Was never human.